0.5-32 MHz KiwiSDR x 3
These three daisy-chained KiwiSDRs are located at Marahau, Tasman Bay,
New Zealand, connected to a Wellbrook ALA-1530S+ loop antenna.
This receiver is set to cover the broadcast and amateur bands.
Uses OpenWebRX
and is located at Marahau, Tasman Bay,
New Zealand, connected to a Wellbrook ALA-1530S+ loop antenna.
AOR AR-7030 Shortwave Receiver
0 to 32 MHz
USB, LSB, CW, AM, Synchronous AM, NFM
This receiver is located at Marahau, Tasman Bay,
New Zealand, connected to a Wellbrook ALA-1530S+ loop antenna.
This receiver is now available on the GlobalTuners
RTL2832U R820T2 VHF/UHF SDR Dongle
32 MHz to 1.75 GHz
This receiver is located at Marahau, Tasman Bay,
New Zealand, connected to a Diamond D-130J discone antenna.
This receiver is now available on the GlobalTuners